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Re: dbootstrap support for fetching files over HTTP

Marcel, I mentioned your stuff to shaleh on IRC (Sean Perry) and he
argued rather fervently that ftp compatability is a requirement.

What are your thoughts on this?  Should we adapt the system to use an
external program for ftp?  Much is the same in the two systems.

BTW, why don't you do server config and proxy config as URLs rather
than breaking out host, port, and subdir?  I.e., I would this setting
the proxy to 'http://burrito.fake:80/' as I do (apache proxy) is
easier than specifying stuff.  Then if you have a URL for specifying
the server, then it could take the protocol part of the URL and
determine dynamically whether to use the ftp or http or whatever

.....Adam Di Carlo....adam@onShore.com.....<URL:http://www.onShore.com/>

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