Support for pt_BR in DebianDoc
Hello, this is the first time that I am sending a message for this list.
After I translated the manual of installation of Debian to the
Portuguese, I am with a problems to generate the documento with the
package Debiandoc.
When is generated a file text (debiandoc2text) is showed the message:
Warning: locale pt_BR not supported, using default en_US.ISO8859-1.
This error not affects the generation of characterses and not
it interrupts the compilation of the document.
But when is generated the file .htm (debiandoc2html), appear the error:
Fatal: Can't locate URI/ in @INC (@INC contente: /usr...) and
the compilation end here.
I already verified that it is a mistake in my machine, the file
doesn't really exist. I am using the package debiandoc 1.1.24 and it
didn't show any mistake during its installation (or any dependence).
Do I have to do some specific configuration to solve this problem or to
install another package?
Another detail: in the text file, I verified that the followings
messages has to be translated for the portuguese.
Copyright Summary -> Aviso de Copyright
Abstract -> Resumo
Contents -> Conteúdo do Documento (Conteúdo)
MailBR - O e-mail do Brasil --
Faça já o seu. É gratuito!!!
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