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Re: Approaching potato release

>>>>> "Bob" == Bob Hilliard <hilliard@flinet.com> writes:

Bob>      I believe we should have a goal to have all documentation
Bob> finished, except for last minute additions, by the time of
Bob> freeze.

Yurk.  I dunno.  Well, we'll be in better shape this time around then
last time, I can guarantee you.  I do intend to stop working on the
slink branch RSN and instead work on the potato "trunk" (not before
merging all changes in).

Bob>  I believe it is not too soon to publish the first appeal
Bob> to developers for information for the Release-Notes.  I believe
Bob> such an appeal might be lost in the noise on -devel.  Would it be
Bob> appropriate to post this appeal on -devel-announce?

Hmm... Yeah, I think -devel-announce would be ok and more people would
see it.

Bob>      Adam, can we set up two sets of conditionals for
Bob> Release-Notes so the document can be built for either the web
Bob> version or the CD version in all archs?

Ok.  Which one should be default? (web, I assume).

Hey, do you think we should put the release notes in its own

Let me know before you start working on it.  This work, since it's for
potato and not slink, would have to be done on the CVS trunk rather
than the branch.  If you give me a few days notice before you start
working on the trunk I should be able to do a branch merge so recent
slink changes will propogate to potato (the trunk).

Just a warning -- AFAIK, the documentation doesn't even build on the
trunk/potato version yet.  Should be pretty easy to fix though.

.....Adam Di Carlo....adam@onShore.com.....<URL:http://www.onShore.com/>

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