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Re: booting from a raid0 device.

>>>>> "Enrique" == Enrique Zanardi <ezanardi@ull.es> writes:

    Enrique> Without having spent too much time thinking about it, I
    Enrique> would say that adding support for raid0 may be just a
    Enrique> special case of a bigger problem, namely loading kernel
    Enrique> modules before mounting the /target partition, right?

Yes, I guess so.

    Enrique> I would like a solution to the bigger problem, not just
    Enrique> having another special kernel with more things compiled
    Enrique> in (aghh, the bloat, the bloat...).

Problem is, the kernel I made recently had basicly only the IDE/Floppy
and SCSI drivers compiled in (and some quite a lot of FS, granted). That
kernel was 950k...

A 'minimum' kernel, would be about 700 to 800k... Not very much for
a root disk. BUT, you only really need the boot floppy (the one with
the kernel). The root and the modules floppy/-ies can be fetched from
ether CDROM/NFS/TFTP/FTP etc, etc... You do have to have a means of
getting the packages anyway.

    Enrique> Also I am still not impressed with the idea of having
    Enrique> separate boot and root floppies. I still think that with
    Enrique> a properly built initrd and a bare bones kernel we may
    Enrique> keep using just one rescue floppy and put everything else
    Enrique> on several drivers floppies.

Sounds reasonable. You still need the SCSI/IDE/ext2 in the kernel, along
with some network stuff... I'd like a kernel with masquerading etc compiled
in, because _ALLOT_ of Linux machines IS working as firewalls/routers etc,
and it would be good if our kernel (I don't think RH's does) supports
that from the top.

    Entique> (I plan to spend some time
    Enrique> on that next week, when I finish this ... lab teaching
    Enrique> season).

I have some patches that makes two driver floppies. The .../misc directory
was moved to the second disk. That's stuff that is not needed at boot/install
time anyway (joysticks etc, etc)...

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