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booting from a raid0 device.

I  really  need this.  I  have  one 100Mb  and  one  210Mb drive,  and
partition  these drives serves  no point.  I managed  to use  the raid
tools  and a  special kernel  to setup  the drives,  and  then mounted
/dev/md0 on /target. Then I could continue the installation.

I have already begun working on the CVS source of the boot floppies to
have this option implemented, but  there is one major problem. We need
a 2.2 kernel, which there is no way to fit on one disk. Having all the
SCSI drivers (and some other important stuff) staticly compiled in the
kernel,  you will end  up with  a kernel  that is  about 950k,  and a
modules.tgz that is about 3Mb (!). My first solution was that you have
one boot floppy,  one root floppy and two  (!)  modules floppies.  The
root/boot floppies could of course  be joined into one big 'CDROM boot
disk'. Thing is, I don't like having a lot of floppies. To would be OK
I guess, and  the modules.tgz could be fetched  from CDROM/NFS/TFTP so
it is not THAT big of a problem.

But before  I add to much  energy into this,  I would like to  know if
there are any interest in this. 'Show me the code, or get it out of my
way', right? I can do this, I just want to know if YOU guys want me to
do it...

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 / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \  Turbo Fredriksson <turbo@debian.org>
( D | e | b | i | a | n ) Debian Certified Linux Developer
 \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/  Gothenburg/Sweden

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