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Problems with sparc boot installation

I hope this is going to the correct place.  If not please let me know and
I will direct future questions elsewhere.

I have a problem with the install scripts on intel and on sparc for woody.

The problem on intel is that the ppp package now requires libpcap0 which 
isn't in the install list of packages, so the ppp install fails and blows
the whole install.  I think my install script maybe old, so you have
probably already fixxed this.

The Problem with the sparc is more of a problem.  I have tried to install
via the tftpboot.img files on two different sparc machines, a 1120 and a
sparc 5 workstation.  The 1120 install is done via the serial port, and the
sparc 5 was done via the installed video/monitor/keyboard/mouse.  But locked
hard after the installation of the wiptail package.  The 1120 install all
I see is:

   lqqqqqu Installing Base System - alt-F4 to debug, alt-F1 to return tqqqqqk
   x Extracting                                                             x
   x /var/cache/apt/archives/whiptail_0.50.17-7_sparc.deb...                x
                      Debian GNU/Linux System Installation

and that is it.  Because this is via the serial port I can't see the other
logs.... (maybe you should install screen as part of the serial port install
so I might be able to switch to the other screens ? )  or maybe I am missing
something ?  The sparc 5 install had one additional line of info on alt-4
screen.  Something about creating the devices ? I don't remeber, and I didn't
write it down.  Sorry.

I would also like to know how to make the boot images, I would like to do
some more testing but I do not know how to create the boot images.


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Brian Dolan-Goecke                                     Brian@Goecke-Dolan.com

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