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Re: debian 2.3

On Fri, Apr 13, 2001 at 09:57:02AM -0400, Adam Di Carlo wrote:
> Thierry Laronde <thierry@cri74.org> writes:
> > FWIW, I, as a french native speaker, do not consider that Debian has to try
> > to put all the message catalogs for all the languages in floppies. It would
> > be enough to have floppies with i18n abilities and room for "C" and _one_
> > other language. It would be left to "local" debianers or CDs suppliers to
> > localize the bf.
> That's the situation today, basically.
> > If this is already what is planned, sorry.
> No, it's not, because when the language chooser is enabled, you get to
> choose your language.  Thus we need all the catalogs around.

In this case, since the size is critical, couldn't we think of getting rid
of language choice _inside_ the process of the installation. The language
will be choosen, in the background, at the beginning with "customed" bf (if 
french want french interactive installation, french debianers create bf-fr 
etc..), or at the end with a local package taking care of all the details of 
l10n. IMHO, if the programs used in bf already give all the hooks for i18n, 
it's, at least, not a scandal to not focuse on including all the data stuff.

Simply to say that, if i18n is possible (people can take bf and easily add
localised data), you are definitively right when you say that including all
the stuff is not a priority.

Thierry LARONDE, Centre de Ressources Informatiques, Archamps - France
PingOO, serveur de com sur distribution GNU/Linux: http://www.pingoo.org

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