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Would like review of what seems to be a blend forming for the cloud

Hello list,

I've been reading the debian-cloud mailing list for about 6 to 9 months now and recently some worrisome events have come up regarding the images that are being produced and published from the cloud team. My primary concern is that testing of experimental software is being performed on users through images that if they are not official they sure look like it. It has caused unpredictable behavior and security problems in the past and there is not a consensus forming on the list that images released and labeled as Debian/Stable should not diverge in behavior from what an install CD/DVD would do. 

It seems that what the members of the team are doing is creating a blend for the cloud but operating inside a vacuum. If the development work is not specifically a blend then I apologize for contacting this list as I dug to try to find the right venue that would have solved problems related to what is going on now. I am asking for review of the situation and comments from the larger community because I'm concerned about the quality of the experience that comes with using what looks to be Debian/Wheezy but under the hood contains surprises and being experimented on (from the user perspective). 

I have started a thread specifically to define what the cloud team will release, what the label will be, and what policies are needed to maintain the correct user experience for Debian/Wheezy. There has not been any comments yet. https://lists.debian.org/debian-cloud/2014/04/msg00057.html

Thanks for any assistance that is provided,


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