WebSentinel (Was: blends and Google Summer of Code?)
here comes the other GSoC project proposal
On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 08:39:56AM -0400, Yaroslav Halchenko wrote:
> Just throw your perspective text against the mailing list, we will
> be here to help refine it (after this Fri ;) )
A very important feature of Debian Blends is the so called web sentinel
currently featuring so called tasks (example [1]) and bugs (example [2])
pages. It has turned out that several (want-to-become) Blends could
profit from the data gathered for this purpose to create their own
dedicated views on the package pool. The option of some easily
accessible information in some intermediate format (json) would help a
lot to make even more use of the information that currently is assembled
in the web sentinel.
The current code makes heavy use from UDD queries but is not very
friendly regarding a simple json output. So the task would be to reuse
the querying code to assemble the needed data but define a new data
structure that fits into a reasonable json format. As a second step
sentinel pages - in the optimal case enhanced in style and functionality
- should be created from the json format. Furthermore get in contact to
other projects like NeuroDebian for other output formats. Some option
for user feedback on the pages would be quite interesting to have.
Please keep in mind that the tasks pages are translated into several
languages - in principle we could use any translation that is used for
Debian package descriptions. Currently this is implemented in static
pages in the same way as www.debian.org is doing translations. If you
consider some web publishing tool which might be nice and shiny but does
not have the easy feature of supporting all those translations - please
forget it. Translations are important and it is not acceptable to drop
this feature.
The tasks pages are providing direct connections to
- screenshots.debian.net to enable users uploading screenshots
- ddtp.debian.org/ddtss/index.cgi to enable users translating
- debtags.debian.net to enable users debtagging packages
Required knowledge:
- Python
Chance to enhance skills
- becoming comfortable with the idea of Blends
- learn to know very different sources of information inside Debian
- work together with several teams inside Debian
[1] http://debian-med.alioth.debian.org/tasks/
[2] http://debian-med.alioth.debian.org/bugs/
Any hint is welcome
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