Re: Bug#703402: PTS: link to the blends website for packages involved in blends
On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 05:05:33PM +0100, Andreas Tille wrote:
> Well, machine readable file is one thing. At first we need to define
> the SQL table layout. Currently the philosophy in UDD is to have the
> tables not normalised but I think it makes sense to normalise to some
> extend into three tables because it simplifies things we intend to do:
> CREATE TABLE blends_packages (
> -- fieldname type, -- example_value
> blend TEXT REFERENCES blends_metadata,
> task TEXT REFERENCES blends_tasks,
> package TEXT, -- 'gromacs'
Shouldn't/couldn't that be a foreign key to a general binary-packages
table, assuming that exists?
> PRIMARY KEY (blend, task, package)
> )
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