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Re: Could be considered a *Debian Blend* a CDD with packages from diferent repos

Jonas Smedegaard escribió:

As you maybe guessed already, it would be wrong to call such a mix a "Debian Pure Blend", becuase mixing with non-Debian packages makes it "unpure".

But hey - this does not mean that we cannot be friends - we are still interested in helping you out with whatever it is you are working on! This term is simply a tool - a reference point - to work from. Yes, it would certainly be cool if you could really do a true "Debian Pure Blend", but for many purposes that is just not possible.

What might be interesting is to *both* work on a "Debian Pure Blend" and at the same time setup automated routines to generate an install CD, USB stick or whatever from your Debian Pure Blend mixed with the "unpure" parts that you need. That way others with similar needs as you can benefit from the 99% shipped with Debian, either as-si, or as basis for their own similar "minimal fork of Debian".

So please tell us more about your project, if interested in working together with us one way or another.

Even if you want to do it all on your own, then the simple act of describing your plans here on this list might inspire others in their plans :-)

Kind regards,

 - Jonas


Yes, we guessed it.

Some SiXdeb history and ideas:

SiXdeb was a response to Nova the cuban GNU/Linux distro (with government support) In fact SiXdeb means "Si por debian" (in spanish) in english "Yes, we vote for Debian" more or less, we found that we have a cuban GNU/Linux distro but it wasn't open to the community. If you are able to read on spanish you must read:


comments are from bottom to top of the page, there are some considerations about Nova.

Then we decided to give an alternative and we found Debian as the best choice. We have more *Debian/Ubuntu experience* than other distros in Cuba and we comulgate with Debian spirit of comunity colaboration and stability on distro releases.

But we found Debian so "obscure" to common Windows users, then we decided attempt to make a light Debian adaptation focused on Cuba characteristics (old PCs with low ram, no network connections for must home users, difficult to get access to an entire Debian repo, etc).

We focused on:

1- Don't fork until it's really necessary, keep integrated into Debian ecosystem to much as we can

2- Debian packages from official stable repo not included on SiXdeb should be installed without problems

3- Something that we call *fusion-monster CD/DVDs* (name inspired on Yu-Gi-Oh! manga) that could be installed indepently or combined (SiXdeb SOHO and SiXdeb multimedia-developers, for example you must install SiXdeb SOHO and add SiXdeb multimedia-developers CD/DVD to your sources and install packages without problems or at inverse)

4- Provide info to others about how we do it, anyone could make his own SiXdeb to cover his needs and count with us

5- Contribute to Debian if we can (under our real knowledge and posibilities)

We apreciated your help offering and will use it, don't worry :) SiXdeb is just on larval stage and learning/testing about blends and CDDs is our first step.

Thanks Walber


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Comunidad de Software Libre en Cuba

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