Re: Changes in code to create debian/control + tasks.desc file
[Andreas Tille]
> But there is a difference in the debian-edu-tasks.desc file which is
> attached to this mail as debian-edu-tasks.desc.diff. The entries
> for the following tasks are just missing:
> education-lang-he
> education-lang-ja
> education-lang-zh_TW
> Regarding the algorithm I implemented this is perfectly intended
> behaviour because the tasks do not feature any dependency at all
> and the Packages: list in the output of the old (=0.6.2, currently
> in unstable) version is empty anyway. So I actually wonder
> what the sense of these entries might be and whether these make
> sense at all. So if you ask me it is rather a feature than a
> bug to leave these entries out in the tasksel desc file but I would
> like to hear your opinion about this first before I upload the
> package. If the entries are needed for whatever purpose I probably
> have to enhance the code to make sure that the tasksel input file
> remains unchanged.
These tasks are markers to know that the language was selected during
installation, and are used to make sure the education-lang-*-desktop
tasks have a task to enhance. These tasks might also be used to
install non-desktop related packages when the languages are selected,
as is done with some languages - the command line spell checking tools
are installed. Here is the relevant part:
Task: education-lang-he
Section: debian-edu
Description: Debian Edu applications for Hebrew installs.
This metapackage depends on various office and desktop applications
that are useful for teachers and their students.
Relevance: 10
Test-always-lang: he
Packages: list
Task: education-lang-he-desktop
Section: debian-edu
Description: Debian Edu Desktop applications for Hebrew installs.
This metapackage depends on various office and desktop applications
that are useful for teachers and their students.
Relevance: 10
Enhances: education-desktop-other, education-lang-he
Packages: list
Removing education-lang-he will break education-lang-he-desktop and
education-lang-he-desktop-kde, as they will claim to enhance a
non-existing task.
I am not sure if this is the best way to do it, but it was the way I
came up with that worked.
Happy hacking,
Petter Reinholdtsen
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