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I'm trying to create a different SPLASH image in my CD. I have changed the default.conf to
export SPLASHPNG="/root/vts-lenny/tmp/debian-cd/data/lenny/splashn.png"
I see in the output the mesages of ppmquant running.
Using ISOLINUX boot-disks image on CD1
ppmquant: making histogram...
ppmquant: 14 colors found
ppmquant: choosing 16 colors...
ppmquant: mapping image to new colors...
204800 pixels, 8724 bytes, (91.48% compression)

But whan I start the ISO, I receive the same default image in the Installer Boot Menu.  After some debugging I found that the file debian-cd/tools/boot/lenny/boot-i386 had only two lines compared to more than 100 lines of etch/boot-i386.

Please, any help would be appreciated.


Flavio E. Goncalves






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"Vai contratar um canal de dados? Além de oferecermos o melhor preço, na contratação de um canal de dados corporativo GVT você recebe um desconto no projeto que pode chegar a até 50%". Consulte-nos sobre a viabilidade técnica e econômica".

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