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Re: working with debian cd


I don't know what to think. I never had this problem. debian-cd always added packages to the system (sometimes not all of them but it always added some). The only error I can see in your commands is the use of the lists.sh script. If you used the script from step 5 of the tutorial, then you should use it this way I think: sh lists.sh /sargecd/pool > /usr/share/debian-cd/tasks/debian-installer-sarge

Try that and tell us if it worked.

Paras pradhan a écrit :
Did'nt work for me..

I did:

1) sh lists.sh /sargecd > /usr/share/debian-cd/tasks/debian-installer-sarge
2) bash
3) /usr/share/debian-cd/ && . CONF .sh
4) make distclean && make mirroecheck
5) make status
6) make bin-list TASK=tasks/debian-installer-sarge

Then the error is as below:
# Checking the consistence of the standard system
# If this does fail, then launch make correctstatus
Reading Package Lists...
Building Dependency Tree...
Apt-get is updating his files ...
Ign file: sarge/main/debian-installer Release
Reading Package Lists...
sarge:/usr/share/debian-cd# make status
sarge:/usr/share/debian-cd# make bin-list TASK=tasks/debian-installer-sarge
Apt-get is updating his files ...
Ign file: sarge/main/debian-installer Release
Reading Package Lists...
Generating the complete list of packages to be included ...
Generating the complete list of packages to be removed ...
Dispatching the packages on all the CDs ...
Here are the settings you've chosen for making the list:
List of prefered packages: /debian/tmp/sarge-i386/list
Exclude file: /debian/tmp/sarge-i386/list.exclude
Complete selected packages with all the rest: no
Include non-free packages: no
Include non-US packages: no
Number of packages: 487
Number of excluded: 0 of 487

-- Generating dependencies tree with apt-cache depends...
-- Adding standard, required, important and base packages
   on the first CD ...
   Standard system already takes 0 bytes on the first CD.
-- Starting to add packages to the CDs ...
CD 1 will only be filled with 0 bytes ...


Need help on this where did  i go wrong.


On 3/26/06, Viguier-Just Guillaume <khaeos@khaeos.com> wrote:

For me, this file refers to the file you built using the script at step
5. You use the script at step 5 this way:
./list-files.sh /path/to/your/pool > list-of-packages

Then you copy the file list-of-packages into

And finally you do:
make bin-list TASK=tasks/name_of_your_distrib

That's what I did and it seems (but again I'm having problems when the
cd wants to install Debian) to be working.

Good luck.

Paras pradhan a écrit :

I have done the make mirroecheck , make status and seems OK to me. no
error. but i am confused on the command

make bin-list TASK=tasks/customcd
does the file customcd refers to the output of the command
'gen-task-dfdsarge pool-directory ' ?

And is tasks/customcd and /debian/tmp/sarge-i386/list  both are same file?

Please let me know or just give me  which command sud i exec when my
working dir containg dists , pool is /sargecd and the o/p of
gen-task-dfdsarge pool-directory is /scripts/list.


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