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Re: How to customize splash.rle

Matheus Morais <matheus.morais@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm looking to create my own rle splash image on boot start. How I can do
> this? GIMP can convert jpg or png in rle?

1. create a new splash.png file (using gimp or whatever)

2. convert it to "pnm" by using "pngtopnm"
    % pngtopnm splash.png > splash.pnm

3. convert it to "rle" by using "ppmtolss16"
     % ppmtolss16 "#000000=0" "#ffffff=7" < splash.pnm > splash.rle


Raja Ali M.I. Ilias, Bengkalis, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AliMilis
Counted GNU/Linux Engineer # 405138 - http://counter.li.org/

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