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CDD Tool Proposal

  Hello all,

  I've written a document about the cdd-tool we were talking last Monday, it
  is available on:
  I've thought about it and I have the feeling that is better to have a
  modular tool designed from the ground up; the document describes the desired
  features and is only a proposal, I would like to hear comments about it from
  all of you and to know if it misses something that is needed by someone on
  the list.

  Initially I plan to start the development in one or two weeks, probably
  using Python (I plan to share code with tools already on development, like
  debpartial-mirror) and Shell scripts, but the idea is that the tool will
  have a modular design and will accept modules written in other languages.



Sergio Talens-Oliag <sto@debian.org>   <http://people.debian.org/~sto/>
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