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mpich with fortran


I'm trying to rebuild mpich from source package with gcc4.0 C compiler
and Portland Group pgf77/pgf90 Fortran compilers. I tried to add this to

CONFIGURE_OPTIONS+= -cc=gcc --enable-f77 --enable-f90 -fc=pgf77
-f90=pgf90 -fflags="-tp amd64"

Uhm ... yes it is unofficial amd64 debian port. But I can't seem to be
able to turn on fortran interface for mpich this way. Compilation seems
to go well but somehow skips all the fortran stuff. This is the error I

# Properly install binaries, man pages and scripts
(set -e; for INST in mpich mpich-mpd ; do \
  for BIN in mpicc mpicxx mpif77 mpireconfig; do \
    mv debian/$INST-bin/usr/lib/$INST/bin/$BIN
debian/lib"$INST"1.0-dev/usr/lib/$INST/bin; \
  done; \
  for MAN in mpicc mpiCC mpif77 mpireconfig; do \
    mv debian/$INST-bin/usr/lib/$INST/man/man1/$MAN.1
debian/lib"$INST"1.0-dev/usr/lib/$INST/man/man1; \
  done; \
  for SCRIPT in mpichlib mpif77; do \
    mv debian/$INST-bin/usr/lib/$INST/etc/$SCRIPT.conf
debian/lib"$INST"1.0-dev/usr/lib/$INST/etc; \
    chmod +x debian/lib"$INST"1.0-dev/usr/lib/$INST/etc/$SCRIPT.conf; \
  done; \
  rm debian/$INST-bin/usr/lib/$INST/etc/mpif90.conf; \
  rm debian/$INST-bin/usr/lib/$INST/man/man1/mpif90.1; \
  cp debian/*.1 debian/$INST-bin/usr/lib/$INST/man/man1/; \
  gzip debian/$INST-bin/usr/lib/$INST/man/man1/*.1; \
  gzip debian/lib"$INST"1.0-dev/usr/lib/$INST/man/man1/*.1; \
mv: cannot stat `debian/mpich-bin/usr/lib/mpich/bin/mpif77': No such
file or directory
make: *** [install-stamp] Error 1

Any idea what should I do to obtain mpif77 and mpif90?


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