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Re: p4_error

> that hints that the problem might be perhaps with the MPICH. We use here
> mpich 1.2.2 which is one of the few packages taken directly from
> upstream and not from Debian. If I remember correctly the reason is
> that we had some problems getting Debian's mpich running together with
> PGI fortran compiler (which is the one that we have to use here).

I don't know if this will help you at all, but here's a quick HOWTO
for getting Debian's mpich package to work with Fortran 95 compilers.
You have to recompile the deb and back-port it to stable, but it's not
a hard as it sounds.

1. Add a line to /etc/apt/sources.list to get source, testing version,
something like:

deb-src ftp://mirror.direct.ca/pub/linux/debian/ testing main non-free
deb-src http://non-us.debian.org/debian-non-US testing/non-US  main
contrib non-free

then run "apt-get update".

2. Run "apt-get source mpi-common", then "cd mpich-1.2.5/"

3. Edit debian/rules, here you can set compilation variables.  In my
case (I have the Lahey fortran compilers), I added
"--with-romio=-file_system=nfs --enable-f90modules -fc=lf95 -f90=lf95"
to CONFIGURE_OPTIONS.  I think this would work with any fortran 95
compiler, but you probably want to check the mpich documentation and
your compiler documentation anyway.  I also added "--enable-root" to
CONFIGURE_OPTIONS_MPD, because I'm using the p4mpd driver, and I want
to be able to pre-load all the daemons - but that's a different story.

4. Run "dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -us -uc".  When complete, your
newly-compiled debs await in the parent directory.


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