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[Jeff Squyres <jsquyres@lsc.nd.edu>] Re: LAM: MPE support in lam?

Greetings!  Here is a note I got back from lam upstream.  Is MPE
shipped with mpich currently?  Maybe we could separate it out into its
own package once the new lam becomes stable?

Take care,
Camm Maguire			     			camm@enhanced.com
"The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens."  --  Baha'u'llah
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Date: Thu, 11 Jan 2001 11:15:05 -0500 (EST)
From: Jeff Squyres <jsquyres@lsc.nd.edu>
To: <lam@mpi.nd.edu>
Subject: Re: LAM: MPE support in lam?
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On 11 Jan 2001, Camm Maguire wrote:

> 1) Is there any plan for future MPE support in lam?  I don't use this
>    myself, but petsc does.  Just noticed a number of MPE_Log_event
>    calls in the romio library.

LAM 6.3.3 (see the CVS page, or check out one of the beta release
tarballs) works nicely with recent versions of MPE.  It is unlikely that
we will distribute MPE with LAM since our release schedules are
independant of each other.  It's already bad enough that we include ROMIO
and the C++ bindings packages.  :-)

> 2) How difficult would it be to achieve *binary* compatibility with
>    mpich?  We have an alternative based system on Debian for switching
>    between mpi implementations, which gives us *source* compatibility,
>    but so far requires us to duplicate an ever growing number of
>    binary packages: scalapack-lam, scalapack-mpich, etc.  Any ideas
>    here?

The best-case scenario I would give would be "extremely unlikely".

LAM and MPICH evolved completely independantly, and hence have entirely
different inner workings.  Unfortunately, it's not as simple as just
getting the enumerated constants in our .h files to agree -- there's a lot
of interworkings below the MPI layer in both LAM and MPICH, none of which
is common between the two systems.

Sorry.  :-(

{+} Jeff Squyres
{+} squyres@cse.nd.edu
{+} Perpetual Obsessive Notre Dame Student Craving Utter Madness
{+} "I came to ND for 4 years and ended up staying for a decade"

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