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Re: Modifying Debian for Infrastructures--Step 1

At 06:51 PM 21-02-00 -0500, Raul Miller wrote:
>On Mon, Feb 21, 2000 at 10:46:55PM +0100, Bud P. Bruegger wrote:
>> I have some doubts that this works in the general case for multiple
>> versions--even if I rename the files to avoid name conflicts.  The reason
>> for my doubts is that one program section could call another and won't be
>> aware of the renameing (and thus it will break).  Any idea on this?
>Hmm.. seems to me that for each combination of package versions you'd
>have to set up an appropriate symlink forest.  

Yep, but that's fairly standard in infrastructures and several tools are
out there (slink, pkglink, stow, part of LUDE, etc.).  It takes some layer
on top of these tools to keep everything in sync (probably best done with

>Note that I'm imagining that you'll create appropriate directories to hold
>these symlinks, then run dpkg --configure --pending with an appropriate
>starting database in /var/lib/dpkg/.  [This last means digging into dpkg
>internals, which means that if you want your work to last across eventual
>dpkg rewrites you'll probably want to document what you're doing so that
>decent interfaces can be set up for future use.]

I haven't gotten as far as the package database yet; so far I just
unpacked...  Isn't there a dpkg option to point to non-standard package
directory or did you say dpkg runs under chroot?  In the latter case, I
suppose, dpkg allowing, a sym link is the best approach...  If ever
possible I wouldn't want to get into the internals of dpkg...


| Bud P. Bruegger, Ph.D.  |  mailto:bud@sistema.it                       |
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