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Re: kickstart equivalent

Debian does have a way to manager bounch of machines(diskless).
The root directory is maintained on the server, no server is

The package is called diskless, I have used it for my first
debian beowulf, it works well.

If I had disk on my node, I would rather turn them to swap ;)


On Mon, Dec 18, 2000 at 12:38:13AM -0500, Rob Latham wrote:
> In the redhat world it is possilbe (after reading much wrong, old, or
> missing documentation ) to create a disk which will partition hard
> drives, install a distribution, and set up devices.  It requires a
> CDrom or an NFS mountpoint, but all configuration information is
> centralized onto one file (ks.cfg)
> 'kickstart' is perhaps the only reason to use redhat for a beowulf.
> fai is not quite the same:  for starters, it needs a bootp or dhcp
> server, and a tftp server,  and it needs to know the mac address of
> each network card. (it's a very nice package, don't get me wrong, and
> would be an excelent choice for installing debian on 100 machines in
> an office )
> Is anyone out there working on a way to install debian onto a machine
> by creating one boot floppy?
> Thanks
> ==rob
> -- 
> Rob Latham: linux A-Team                          Bethlehem, PA USA
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> --  
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