Which queue/load balancing system for a debian boewulf cluster
I make a 16 nodes debian based boewulf cluster and i search a good queue and load balancing program (free software if possible).
I try gnuqueue and it looks bogus (it was removed from debian distribution i think?)
Mosix is very good, by it's a solution too heavy and the performance are not very good on my tests :(
So I don't know which good software use to do this. There are GenericNQS, some of you known it?
Are there some tools included in debian distribution to do this?
Sylvain Ferrand
Sylvain Ferrand
CMAP - CNRS/Ecole Polytechnique
Route de Saclay, 91128 Palaiseau cedex, France
Phone:+33 (0)169334626 fax:+33 (0)169333011
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