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Re: Interested in Debian Bazel efforts

Hi Jesse,

On Fri, Apr 9, 2021 at 12:22 PM Jesse Chan <jc@linux.com> wrote:

> That's a good point. The libc version change isn't detected by Bazel, either. Which does require users to run bazel clean sometimes. I guess we can start with the approach of using -L, -I flags first, then try to improve hermeticity later.

I totally agree. I will see what I can do.

Great, looking forward to it!

However, I noticed that Bazel now provides LTS releases, starting with 4.0 [1]. 4.0 is supported until Dec 2023, and we can work on it for years to come. Olek, would it be possible to bump Bazel to 4.0? By the way, I tried to make a 4.0 package [2], and it appears to work, can you review it when you have time?

Yes, I'd like to bump bazel-bootstrap to 4.0 once bullseye is released and then backport 4.0 to bullseye. Unfortunately, upgrading it at this point in the release cycle is not possible. I've also wondered if continuing to maintain bazel-bootstrap after the bazel-4 packages are available is worth the effort. I change my mind on that every few weeks. ;) I think we'll be able to have a better discussion about that once the bazel-4 package and dependencies are available.

The major use-case for bazel-bootstrap is if we want to start building Bazel for an architecture which is not currently supported. Since Bazel *is* able to bootstrap itself, I think that we might be able to bootstrap from bazel-4 instead using Architecture: all packages that are now available (or will be soon).

Regarding your package, it looks great overall! I see that you fixed a couple hacks I had in there that I keep meaning to address so I appreciate that! :) I just gave you access to the main Salsa repository so that you can work on branches there. I see that the CI is failing on your latest commit though so would you be able to take a look at that? I hope I'll have time in the next week or so to do a test build locally and possibly give you some more feedback.


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