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Re: xournalpp bullseye-backport (bug in 1.1.1?)


I hope it is OK to use this thread and cc the authors since it is still recent and I seem to perhaps have a bug with the new bullseye backports version.

I had https://github.com/xournalpp/xournalpp/releases/download/1.0.20-hotfix/xournalpp-1.0.20-hotfix-hotfix-Debian-buster-x86_64.deb installed, downloaded from that link and manually installed with dpkg.

I have also backports sources enabled (and a few unrelated packages from backports installed -- telegram-desktop, virtualbox-guest-dkms, virtualbox-guest-utils).

When 1.1.1 was uploaded to bullseye-backports recently, apt upgrade or apt dist-ugprade took that update on my system, from dpkg -> backports (interesting, I thought that might require to prompt the user or need a apt install -t bullseye-backports or something -- but nevermind I am interested in this update).

Our teaching assistants use xournalpp to annotate/grade student assignments. For at least two of them this error happens:
* using the new xournalpp 1.1.1 on their own previous xopp files works
* if another tutor had started grading assignments, uploaded to google drive, a different tutor downloads and saves/unzips locally (OK well nfs mounted locally) then opening such xopp says "xournalpp cannot open remote files at the moment. you have to copy the file to a local directory".
* I could not reproduce it on my desktop but I had a usability issue: it complains that the PDF path has changed (it remembers the previous /home/othertutor/path). You can just click on the correct PDF and it opens correctly.
* There is a similar issue here but it didn't help me resolve it: https://github.com/xournalpp/xournalpp/issues/1269
* We tried the latest 1.1.1 nightly build from github source, but this gave the same error to the tutors.

So I downgraded to the deb from github 1.0.20 hotfix. There is a 1.1.0 on on github but it has debs for buster/bionic/focal not bullseye. We put this in a repo with but my system still wants to upgrade since backports is newer so we put a 1.1.1-2~really1.0.20 version.

While I cannot reproduce the error on my desktop I have daily access to the tutors and am willing to get more info if guided.


  /V\     Jan Groenewald
 /( )\    www.aims.ac.za

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