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Re: Backport bird2 (2.0.8) into bullseye-backports

Thanks for the upload, bird_2.0.8-1 is now available from bullseye-backports \o/

On 11/2/21 13:56, Jakub Ružička wrote:
Hi Sudip,

On 11/1/21 21:06, Sudip Mukherjee wrote:
Hi Jakub,

On Mon, Nov 1, 2021 at 2:47 PM Jakub Ružička <jakub.ruzicka@nic.cz> wrote:

that's certainly possible and other users have requested this as well on
BIRD mailing list.

I'm the new bird2 package maintainer but I'm a relatively fresh DM with
no experience with backports, so I've prepared bird 2.0.8 in debian
testing in hopes that community would backport but that doesn't seem to
be the case so I've requested my UID to be added to backports ACL and
I'll attempt the backport myself when I have free cycles.
I donot use bird2 but it appears it will just need a rebuild for
bullseye-backports. If you want I can upload it to the queue for now.

Yes, it should build without modifications, so if you could upload it for now that would be great ❤


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