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Re: openjdk-11, please?

Am 18.10.18 um 17:31 schrieb Lee Garrett:
> Not wanting to be picky, but you can actually install several openjdk versions
> in parallel without switching the default one (the default-jre package depends
> on that).
> Also, there might be users that need newer software but aren't interested in
> pulling the whole system to bleeding edge. So it's a matter of Harald bringing
> up good arguments why openjdk-8 or 9 won't suffice, and someone with upload
> rights backporting and maintaining it.

I do understand the point of backports. However OpenJDK is not your
everyday leaf package, it provides the Java Virtual Machine that makes
your Java software compile and run. Why would you need another version
in Stretch that does actually the same thing? The reason why we only
focus on one OpenJDK version per release cycle is that we don't want to
provide security support for two Java Runtime Environments. All packages
in Stretch are well tested against OpenJDK 8 but certainly not for
OpenJDK 11. Without doubt there will be regressions if you try OpenJDK
11 on them. As a member of the Java team I can rule out that anyone
intends to maintain OpenJDK 11 in stretch-backports. But as you have
pointed out correctly, everyone can step up and do it.

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