Re: [Python-modules-team] python-django_1.8.18-1~bpo8+1_amd64.changes REJECTED
Ian Campbell <> writes:
> Yet 1.10.x is going to be in Stretch, according to [0]? If users want
> LTS then why aren't we shipping that in our upcoming stable release
> (whether its instead of or in addition to the latest release)?
In general the Django LTS releases occur after on a cycle, several
months after the Debian Freeze.
Django 1.11 LTS was released in April 2017 for example. Even if we could
get Django 1.11 in the freeze, as Raphael Hertzog was suggesting in
another email, not sure how the release team would feel about this - and
it would be up to them I think. There may be ways to ease the pain,
however it would still be up to the release team.
I seem to recall the same thing happened when Django 1.8 LTS was
released, Jessie was already in freeze.
The alternative option is that we use the previous LTS Django
release. However, that would mean Jessie would still be on Django 1.4,
which lost upstream support in 2015.
Similarly, if Stretch was released with 1.8 LTS (yes I know, this is not
really an option anymore), Django 1.8 will loose support April next year
- when Stretch is still supported.
We would basically be releasing Debian with a old LTS version of Django
that is obsolete before Debian is even released.
Brian May <>
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