Re: Maintaining intermediary versions in *-backports
On 14682 March 1977, Neil Williams wrote:
> Policy is not a stick to bash developers or users. 1.8 needs to stay
> available in backports at all costs.
Backports is not there to fixup maintainers mistake.
> Anything else makes backports completely unusable. More than that, it
> makes all packages depending on django in *stretch* RC buggy.
No, it doesnt. They already ARE RC Buggy and should all get a bug
against them. stretch main must be self contained, if it needs something
from outside of it, its an RC bug.
> So removing 1.8 from jessie-backports would directly cause the removal
> of dozens of packages from testing and unstable.
That is just so wrong that it hurts a lot.
bye, Joerg
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