Re: updating roundcube backports to 1.2.x?
* Guilhem Moulin <> [2017-04-11 18:07:09 CEST]:
> On Tue, 11 Apr 2017 at 11:22:53 -0400, Antoine Beaupré wrote:
> > I need to run roundcube in jessie, and I noticed the backport was out of
> > date (1.1 vs stretch running 1.2). Shouldn't this be updated?
> >
> > Do you want me to upload an updated backport or should I keep it to
> > myself? :)
> >
> > I won't be in a position to test updates, unfortunately...
> When I last checked this last autumn, backporting all dependencies was
> too much work for us.
I'm a bit disappointed to read that. We really expect people to take
this into account and not stick to a version at some point and never
update it anymore. It becomes an out-of-bounds maintenance of a package
which we are very unhappy about and always were very clear about when it
was brought up.
If it is considered too much work then that might be a good sign for
the future to rather avoid backporting it at all in the first place ...
I'm a bit uncertain on what to suggest to move forward here to get
things straightened out again.
So long,
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