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Re: backport dh-exec & bats (for fpc backport)

>>>>> "Paul" == Paul Gevers <elbrus@debian.org> writes:

    Paul> I am writing you as one of the maintainers of fpc. I want to provide a
    Paul> backports-jessie version of fpc, but in order to do so we need dh-exec
    Paul> and thus bats also in backports. Do you have objections or any concerns
    Paul> about me doing that (obviously, if you want to provide the backport
    Paul> yourself...)

As far as I'm concerned, go ahead and do a dh-exec backport. If I don't
have to do it myself, so much the better! If there any code changes
required, and a simple rebuild is not enough, let me know, I'll happily
incorporate any patches.


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