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python-boto 2.34.0-2 is incompatible with backports ansible

Hi all,

Please CC me if you respond as I'm not subscribed to this list.

Upgrading Ansible from jessie-backports causes at least one bug with the ec2_ami_find module

Without setting up Ansible and a playbook, you can replicate the bug with the following script

#!/usr/bin/env python
from boto.ec2 import connect_to_region
ec2_connection = connect_to_region("us-west-2")
image = ec2_connection.get_all_images(owners="379101102735")[-1]
for k,v in vars(image).iteritems():
       print "{0}:{1}".format(k,v)

With the latest version of boto, there is no creationDate attribute on an EC2 AMI:

voltagex@kiwi:~/ansible$ python test_bug.py | grep creationDate

Whereas running in a virtualenv with boto 2.40 leads to:

(latest-env)voltagex@kiwi:~/ansible$ python test_bug.py | grep creationDate

The Ansible bug occurs when the ec2_ami_find script tries to access this attribute without checking if it exists, and crashes.

Could you please backport python-boto 2.40 to fix this issue?

Adam Baxter

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