Re: IMPORTANT squid3 stable [doesn't] needs update
Dr. Bernd Zimmermann wrote:
> >I wonder how many times this question should be asked.
> >It has been answered multiple times previously.
> And the reason is?
Because it's in the FAQ. So please read the FAQ at
> See also:
> So squid 3.4.x should really replaced by a packported squid 3.5.x
No, definitely not. Especially not for a non-release critical bug.
A bugfix for a bug of severity "important" may be backported to stable
via stable-proposed-updates if the release team agrees. But that's not
guaranteed and if a bugfix will be backported or not is basically the
package's maintainer's decision.
But please be reminded that _only_ the bugfix can be backported to
stable, not a new upstream release.
Regards, Axel
,''`. | Axel Beckert <>,
: :' : | Debian Developer, Admin
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