Re: hp-sendfax error timeout
Can you please open a bug then?
Il Venerdì 22 Aprile 2016 10:39, Apostolos Kefalas <> ha scritto:
the problem is the permission on /home/USER/.hplip
I haven't managed to find who is creating this directory, but if I
change the permissions of .hplip to 777, everything works fine.
Having world read/write in my home dir is not something I like. So I
found that changing the group ownership of .hplip to 'lp' solved the
On Πεμ, 2016-04-21 at 12:51 +0000, Gianfranco Costamagna wrote:
> Hi,
> first: this seems to be problem in unstable and testing too, so I would
> open a bug report against hplib.
> However, looking at the code
> if os.path.exists("/home/%s/.hplip"%username):
> tmp_dir = "/home/%s/.hplip"%username
> else:
> tmp_dir = "/tmp"
> pipe_name = os.path.join(tmp_dir, "hp_fax-pipe-%d" % job_id)
> os.umask(0o111)
> try:
> os.mkfifo(pipe_name)
> except OSError:
> os.unlink(pipe_name)
> os.mkfifo(pipe_name)
> you might just want to add some prints to see what is the value of tmp_dir, and maybe why the pipe_name can't be created
> cheers,
> Gianfranco
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