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Re: vpim into wheezy-backports

* Daniel Pocock <daniel@pocock.pro> [2015-02-04 10:38:57 CET]:
> On 04/02/15 10:29, Gerfried Fuchs wrote:
> >  Note: backports is about having newer features in packages available
> > for users of stable and not about getting bugfixes into stable.  Given
> > that the only difference between stable and testing currently is the NMU
> > upload to fix for ruby 1.9, I don't see why this goes through backports.
> > Please do fix this issue in stable real for the sake of plain stable
> > users and not through backports.
> Hi Rhonda,
> I don't mind doing a release to stable as well but we were also hoping
> to get it installed onto ullmann.debian.org by DSA and that might happen
> more quickly if it goes out into wheezy-backports, see the comments here:

 DSA is also happy to install stuff from wheezy-updates AFAICT?

> https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=775180#67

 That specific comment from Lucas clearly states that it is broken in
wheezy - and thus should get fixed in wheezy.  This just confirms my
statement: backports is not the place about bugfixes for wheezy, because
the issue will otherwise still stay there in wheezy and should get
addressed there anyway.  And it's not more quickly to get it into
wheezy-backports with the false reasoning than to get it into
wheezy-updates where the bugfix for an issue that appears in wheezy
actually belongs.

 Please do not abuse backports, and please fix stuff for wheezy in
wheezy for actual wheezy users.

 So long,
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