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Re: Oopsie - Wrong version numbering scheme used on drupal7

On 06/22/2015 11:26 AM, Gunnar Wolf wrote:
Now, Wolfgang did notify me of my mistake... But I was sloppy and
didn't properly act on it: My bpo80 version got processed out of NEW
and is now active. I don't think too many people have installed it
yet, but whoever has, if I request this version to be deleted from
backports and then upload a properly versioned one, they won't receive
it (because bpo8 < bpo80).

Doesn't drupal release fairly often? When 7.39 comes out in a month or two, 7.39-1~bpo8+1 will be a higher version, so upgrades will work. Seems like you should just wait to fix it until then.

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