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Re: Please, remove yowsup from Wheezy-Backports


* Eriberto Mota <eriberto@debian.org> [2015-06-19 14:47:40 CEST]:
> The yowsup in Wheezy-Backports (version 0.0~git20140314.938cf1-1~bpo70+1) is
> unusable. The current version in Debian Testing requires several dependencies
> from other maintainers and that aren't present in Wheezy-BPO.

 Testing isn't a source for oldstable-backports, please only use
release + 1 as source for backports to release!

 That said, the package isn't in jessie, and actually I would suggest
every backporter that takes care of their backports to contact the
backports team pro-actively in case it looks like the package won't end
up in the release from which it was backported so we can think of a plan
on how to proceed there, like whether it's likely that the issues that
got the package removed from the next to come release can get dealt with
in time, or whether we should remove it.

 Given that you are the regular maintainer for the package you should
have been aware of the removal from testing since last year already, so
I am a fair bit disturbed that you address this only now but not early.
I really hope you will consider letting us know earlier if that is seems
likely to happen again with the package for the stretch release; and
then rather maybe consider it not uploading it to jessie-backports at
all if that's the case - we only want packages in backports which are
deemed release ready.

> Considering that is very hard to maintain yowsup in Wheezy-BPO, I am asking
> for removal.

 I don't see any chance to maintain yowsup in wheezy-backports at all
given that it's not in jessie.

 So long,
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