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Re: CMake 3.0.2 for wheezy-backport

On Tuesday 07 April 2015 14:00:17 Daniele E. Domenichelli wrote:
> On 04/03/15 16:11, Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer wrote:
> >>>> Are there plans to update the cmake package backport to the current
> >>>> version in jessie (3.0.2)?
> >>> 
> >>> No as far as I know.
> >> 
> >> Would a backport be accepted if I prepare it?
> > 
> > If you stand for maintining it, I don't see why not :)
> Sorry for the delay... I prepared a tentative of backport and uploaded
> it to mentors:
>   http://mentors.debian.net/package/cmake
> I had to revert commit b53e877de7d1a7c41208a1a7550f6d4e0d724f76, because
> it requires an updated version of debhelper that is not available on
> wheezy. Unfortunately this brings back #760823, I don't know if this is
> an issue for backports.

Well, it should at least be solved by some other means, like some stuff in 

> Also I'm not sure if I should mention that this is a NMU in the
> changelog and/or in the version number.

Not an NMU, you are taking the responsability of maintaining the backport for 
it's lifespan.

That being said, we are very near Jessie now, is it really worth the effort?

Primero te ignorarán, luego se reirán,
luego te combatirán, luego ganarás.
 Mahatma Gandhi

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer

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