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Notes on the (pending) openldap backport

Dear backporters,
I'm currently in the process of building+testing+sponsoring a 
shiny new openldap backport, courtesy of Ryan Tandy.

As the backport queue is now under manual policing, I'd like to drop 
here a couple of notes for reviewers regarding this package:

* it's NEW, but it has been requested by several users, either 
  via BTS (#685748) or on ML[0].

* it is the same version which is going to be shipped in Jessie. We think it
  is a good way to have more people testing the upgrade path to the same
  version in Jessie.

* it uses newer crypto libraries (gnutls28/nettle). This is because there are
  some known issues with wheezy ones, see BTS #368297.

* it uses older libdb5.1. Unfortunately libdb5.3 has not been backported, and
  I'm not confident in doing it at this point. I am not aware of any known
  issue with it, though.

* it embeds liblmdb. This is a known issue also in jessie/sid (BTS #750023), 
  and the security team has been notified about this[1].

* it has a weird version: "2.4.31+really2.4.40-3~bpo70+1". 
  This had to be done in order to avoid screwing the pre/postinst db-upgrading 
  mechanisms in Jessie, which rely on package version to detect DB to be 
  I know it is a bit hackish, I'm sorry for that. 

Pending package is currently at http://mentors.debian.net/package/openldap
That said, I hope it can get quickly out of the queue.

[0] http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-openldap-devel/2014-November/005962.html
[1] https://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/secure-testing/data/embedded-code-copies?r1=30023&r2=30405

Cheers, Luca

 .''`.  ** Debian GNU/Linux **  | Luca Bruno (kaeso)
: :'  :   The Universal O.S.    | lucab (AT) debian.org
`. `'`                          | GPG Key ID: 0x4F3BBEBF
  `-     http://www.debian.org 	| Debian GNU/Linux Developer

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