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Re: tt-rss wheezy-backport

On Thu, Mar 20, 2014 at 3:00 PM, David Smith <sidicas2@gmail.com> wrote:
> Sabastian Reichel is around, he always shows up when there is a new
> version of tt-rss.
> In the mean time, is there anything you can do to help address those
> Lintian warnings?
> I was hoping there might be a way to address some of those Lintian
> warnings (http://mentors.debian.net/package/tt-rss)  and get at least a
> couple of those handled in testing/unstable as well as the backport.

yeah.. he opened this bug against [0] prototype-js so it doesnt need
patching it and it will get rid of the personalized js library

The Experimental warning is false positive
The rest are quite trivial to handle by the maintainer himself. I can
provide patches if asked by Sebastian, but as i understand backports
should deviate as little as possible from testing, so I didnt touch
much in the backport

[0] https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=712252

> I'd like to work with you getting tt-rss backported to Wheezy, so let me
> know if there's anything I can do. I'll start with looking at those
> lintian warnings and seeing if I can figure out if it's possible to
> address them for testing/unstable so that they won't also end up in a
> backport.

not much left for us to do but to have someone to upload it i think :>

> The other thing on my mind is the updater that ships with tt-rss.  I
> noticed that if you try to use it, it tends to break the package in
> Debian such that tt-rss doesn't work anymore.  I'm not sure if the
> updater is shipped with the tt-rss package in Debian (haven't tried it
> in months), but if it is, maybe we can find a way to disable it so it's
> not so easy for a user to accidentally break the tt-rss package. Of
> course that doesn't stop somebody from downloading tt-rss from upstream,
> running the updater in that,  and then breaking the installed package of
> tt-rss in Debian that way.  It's one of those things that I've been
> trying for months to figure out a good solution for, and haven't come up
> with any yet.

I think you are refering to the update feeds alternative daemon, dont you?
I never really tried to used since the default just works for me :>

open the bug in testing and i can try to reproduce it and maybe fix it...


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