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Re: qtchooser-39-g4717841-3~bpo70+1 breaks qtcreator-2.5.0-2

On Friday 10 October 2014 10:43:57 Steven Pusser wrote:
> Hmmm--backports still seem to be missing packages derived from the
>  qtsvg-opensource-src,
>  qtsensors-opensource-src,
>  qtmultimedia-opensource-src.
>  qtlocation-opensource-src,
>  qtserialport-opensource-src,
>  qtgraphicaleffects-opensource-src,
>  qtquickcontrols-opensource-src,
>  qttranslations-opensource-src.
>  qtwebkit-examples-opensource-src

All of them waiting in NEW.
> Source tarballs.
> I ended up doing a backport of 5.3.1 myself last month, and the missing
> upgrades are breaking some programs that I have built myself since then.

Which is expected, you can't mix parts of the stack. Just wait until the rest 
of the stack (plus xcb-proto's reject and further reupload, as I forgot the -v 
param when building it) are processed.

> Also, it may be too late now, but when I backported 5.3.1, I was able to
> use Wheezy's libxcb-sync0-dev package successfully to build against,
> instead of Jessie's  backported libxcb-sync1-dev.

IIRC there where some issues with that version, but I read that when I was 
starting Qt5's packaging, so I might be mixing stuff.

Kinds regards, Lisandro.

A proprietary undocumented text format as the de facto standard -- and that's
what .doc is -- is a shame for all parties involved. It's like using a special
patented ink that can only be read with special patented sun glasses. Who
would want to use that for all their scientific, private and business
documents? Probably nobody. Why they do so with computers is beyond me.
  Matthias Ettrich, founder of the KDE project.

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer

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