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Inconsistencies report for wheezy-backports

Dear backporters,

Please find below a summary of the currently broken packages in wheezy-
backports. Each of main, contrib and non-free were checked but only packages 
in main showed any problems (5 broken binary packages, 4 broken source 

My current thinking is:

* run this check from cron and post the results to the mailing list on a 
regular basis -- I'm not sure how frequently makes sense however (running it 
every second day and only mailing if there are changes, perhaps?)

* the check should probably be run for more than one architecture to catch 
more of the "it only builds on the maintainer's machine" scenarios -- however, 
the main one of these is build-dep-uninstallable and that is caught here.

* I may as well also run the checker over squeeze-backports{,-sloppy} although 
I'll need to make some changes for the double-overlay nature of -sloppy.

* I'll move it all over to either people.d.o or qa.d.o and put the git repo 
somewhere sensible. (collab-qa on alioth, perhaps)

* Including the name of the changer (changelog) and uploader (gpg signer) in 
the report would be nice, but I'll need to find a suitable source for that data 

I note that unlike the proactive unstable+britney arrangement we have for the 
testing release, this checker is not protecting the backports archive from 
problematic uploads. This is only a reactive QA tool but it will help spot 
problems with uploads -- some of the packages listed below will have been 
broken since their upload months ago.

suggestions welcome!



Overlay release check for amd64 package dependencies.

Overlay: wheezy-backports [2014-08-09 09:02:50+00:00]
Release: wheezy [2014-07-12 10:59:25+00:00]

Checking component: main
Overlay components: main
Release components: main

Broken packages:

  phpunit (3.7.28-1~bpo70+1)
  ttf-wqy-microhei (0.2.0-beta-2~bpo70+1)
  fs-uae-arcade (2.4.1+ds-2~bpo70+1)
  owncloud (7.0.0+dfsg-2~bpo70+2)
  erlang-appmon (1:16.b.3.1-dfsg-3~bpo70+1)

Full output from dose:

Overlay release check for amd64 build dependencies.

Overlay: wheezy-backports [2014-08-09 09:02:50+00:00]
Release: wheezy [2014-07-12 10:59:25+00:00]

Checking component: main
Overlay components: main
Release components: main

Broken packages:

  src:arbiterjs (1.0-2~bpo70+1)
  src:jscommunicator (1.1.1-1~bpo70+1)
  src:jssip (
  src:postbooks-updater (2.2.5-4~bpo70+1)

Full output from dose:


Stuart Prescott    http://www.nanonanonano.net/   stuart@nanonanonano.net
Debian Developer   http://www.debian.org/         stuart@debian.org
GPG fingerprint    90E2 D2C1 AD14 6A1B 7EBB 891D BBC1 7EBB 1396 F2F7

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

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