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Re: please backport iceowl-extension, calendar-google-provider & l10n packages

Am 02.10.2011 18:20, schrieb Roel Hendriksen:
Johannes, you are talking about the mozilla.debian.net backports, right?

Well, no, actually. The icedove 3.1 backport in backports.d.o also lacks l10n packages and is not accompanied by a matching lightning / iceowl & google calendar provider. Fortunately, I grabbed the matching version from experimental a while back at it works, however, it would certainly be more convenient to have a package deal (or to have lightning finally integrated into thunderbird as was announced many years ago)

I share your thoughts about the l10n packages. After getting an upgrade through backports, always a check for l10n consistency is needed, and should always be installed from the unstable or experimental repo's.
Actually, I have come to install the l10n xpis from ftp://ftp.mozilla.org, as this is faster and easier than manually finding, downloading and installing the debs.

Backporting the applicable l10n packages would be great!

And it shouldn't be complicated to accomplish..




Op 02-10-11 17:03, Johannes Rohr schreef:
It is nice that icedove is being backported (although not the latest
version yet), but I suppose that it is not a rare case that it is
installed together with  iceowl-extension (Lightning) and
calendar-google-provider. Since the version dependency is strict,
wouldn't it be possible to have these backported as well? And what is
also missing, both for iceweasel and icedove, are the l10n packages. I
suppose backporting these should require little effort..



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