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Re: backports security announcements

Quoting Alexander Wirt (formorer@debian.org):

> You ask me for a new BSA number - which would be 003 - after that you follow
> the instructions from http://backports.debian.org/Contribute/#index3h2 and
> send a gpg inline signed mail to the backports-announce mailinglist.
> Following the template at the url. Please replace the XXX with the 003 and
> and everything which has to be replaced (Package name, CVE number and so on). 
> Thats all
> Alex

Let's see if I get it right. What I should send should then be
something like:

From: Christian PERRIER <bubulle@debian.org>
To: debian-backports-announce@lists.debian.org
Subject: BSA-003 Security Update for samba

Christian Perrier uploaded new packages for samba which fixed the
following security problems:

  A vulnerability has been discovered in samba, a SMB/CIFS file,
  print, and login server for Unix.

  The sid_parse() function does not correctly check its input lengths
  when reading a binary representation of a Windows SID (Security ID).
  This allows a malicious client to send a sid that can overflow the
  stack variable that is being used to store the SID in the Samba smbd

For the lenny-backports distribution the problems have been fixed in
version 2:3.5.5~dfsg-1~bpo50+1.

Upgrade instructions

If you don't use pinning (see [1]) you have to update the package
manually via "apt-get -t lenny-backports install <packagelist>" with
the packagelist of your installed packages affected by this update.
[1] <http://backports.debian.org/Instructions>

We recommend to pin the backports repository to 200 so that new
versions of installed  backports will be installed automatically. 

  Package: *
  Pin: release a=lenny-backports
  Pin-Priority: 200



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