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A little more help

Thanks to all who have helped out so far.  I have successfully backported Netrek (no dependencies)
and gtkpod (w/ dependecies).

I have a question though on apt/preferences inside pbuilder.  I currently have bpo as the highest
priority in pbuilder so as not to backport something that is already done. However, my question is
that most people (myself included) keep bpo low in priority so as to manually install them as
needed.  So should I modify the build and/or control files to use all the ~bpo.deb as dependecies or
is it preferred that the pinning be maintained to only the individual ~bpo.deb files necessary
during the build.  Example:

dependency is fileA.deb >=1.0.4
lenny has fileA.deb @ 1.0.4
bpo has fileA.deb @ 1.1.2

restated slightly:
If lenny meets the requirement should I use lenny by pinning fileA.deb specifically and not use
backports, or should I just modify the build/control files to use all the ~bpo.deb files used during
the build as dependecies?

Hopefully this is clear enough:)


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