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Re: confusion about backports, repositories and BTS

[ please don't clobber 537315 with this discussion, thanks ]


Alain Baeckeroot wrote:
> I am still confused about backports (outside of debian if i understand)
> When searching on 
> http://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=openoffice.org&searchon=names&suite=all&section=all
> i see debian-backports in the answers :-). So is it inside or outside debian ?

Outside, but packages.debian.org includes their packages files for providing info.

> It would be good to clarify, and imho use "backports" informations and bugreports : 

There's nothing to clarify.

> Its is very usefull to use a rock solid base (lenny) with new
> packages from testing/unstable...

True, though that dds complexity, and lennys env can substanially change
behaviour. Moreover, as said, the BTS simply does not know about bpos
packag eversion, so the verion tracking in the BTS gets broken when someone
submits a Bug with Version: <bpo version>


 .''`.  René Engelhard -- Debian GNU/Linux Developer
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