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Problem pinning openoffice from lenny-backports

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I wanted to install openoffice.org 1:3.0.1-7~bpo50+1 from
lenny-backports/main to replace version 1:2.4.1-17+b1 provided by

First, I added lenny-backports to /etc/apt/sources.list and then ran
"aptitude update". I decided to use pinning in order to give priority to
the later verson.  In accordance with the pinning instructions provided
on the backports instructions page, I created file /etc/apt/preferences
with the following content:

Package: openoffice.org
Pin: release a=lenny-backports
Pin-Priority: 990

When I ran "aptitude upgrade" openoffice.org 3 was not installed, and
the following error was returned:

E: Invalid record in the preferences file, no Package header

So something was wrong, and I would appreciate knowing what.

Since I could not install openoffice 3 by pinning, I ran "aptitude -t
lenny-backports openoffice" which did install it, along with a number of
updated packages.  I was then able to open OOo 3.  When however I ran
that command I was first told what packages would be installed or
upgraded.  Then, immediately before I was requested to accept (or
reject) those package installations and upgrades, the following line

Score is 850

I am curious to know the significance of this "score".

Finally, the instructions mentioned that if I wanted automatic upgrades
of backport packages I should add the following in file

Package: *
Pin: release a=lenny-backports
Pin-Priority: 200

Do all I need to do to activate such upgrades is to put these lines in
the preferences file by themselves?  In view of my inability to get
pinning to work so far, I would appreciate assurance that doing so will
have the desired effect.

Regards, Ken Heard

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