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Re: a Freeciv backport for etch

>>>>> "IS" == Ivan Shmakov <ivan@theory.asu.ru> writes:

 IS> FWIW, I've prepared the backport for freeciv 2.1.5-1 (still in
 IS> unstable.)

	The packages for 2.1.5-2 are also available now, both the source
	and amd64 binary packages.


	The respective .diff.gz and .dsc, and the binary packages
	(amd64) could be obtained from the APT repository which could be
	configured as follows:

deb     http://theory.asu.ru/~ivan/mini-dinstall/ etch-backports/$(ARCH)/
deb     http://theory.asu.ru/~ivan/mini-dinstall/ etch-backports/all/
deb-src http://theory.asu.ru/~ivan/mini-dinstall/ etch-backports/source/

	(Check any Debian mirror for the corresponding .orig.tar.gz files.)

	The actual (source/) files are:



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