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Re: gnuplot 4.2 backport request


On Wed, 21 Nov 2007, MARIENFELD, Stefan wrote:
> that version 4.2 supports histograms. If not, could anyone please give
> me a hint to a backporting howto from testing to stable?

Something like the following should work.

	$ apt-get install devscripts
	$ apt-get install pbuilder
(Replace your.fav.mirr.or with your favourite mirror below.)
	$ pbuilder create --distribution etch --mirror http://your.fav.mirr.or/debian
(Add a deb-src line for "testing" to your /etc/apt/sources.list.)
	$ apt-get source -t testing gnuplot
(Record the version number and use it below. In the current case it is 4.2.2-1.)
	$ cd gnuplot-4.2.2
(The numbering below is similar to that used for etch-backports)
	$ dch -b -v '4.2.2-1~mybpo40.1' -D "my-etch-backports" "NMU: Rebuild on etch."
	$ pdebuild --use-pdebuild-internal --logfile ../gnuplot.log -- --distribution etch 
	$ cd ..

If it doesn't work then you should check the gnuplot.log file to see what
went wrong :-(



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