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New user requests and etch-bpo

Hi folks, 

as Norbert is currently very very short in time I also took over the task
of adding users to the backports dak. So if you asked for upload permissions please
drop me a mail or join us in our IRC channel #debian-backports @ oftc
and ask me again for it. 

I'm happy to announce the availability of etch-backports which is also
the new default suite. Since we were a little bit unhappy with some of the
packages added to sarge-bpo we want to try a few rules for the etch-bpo
archive. I know that some of the criterias aren't objective, but that is
something we have to live with. If you are in doubt about a new package drop
us a mail or ask via IRC. When processing NEW I try to look for the following

* Has the package a noteable userbase? Requests from users for the
  package may help here. 
* Is the backport neccessary? I don't think we should upload packages to bpo
  simply because we can do it if you can install the package directly from
  testing without any recompilation we shouldn't add it to bpo. Pinning
* New features. Its not neccessary to backport a minor version change without
  any user visible changes or bugfixes. 
* The package should be in testing. Of course there are some execptions:
  Security updates. If your package had a security update you can upload a
  new backport even if its not yet in testing. There are also some other
  exeception for packages like the kernel, xorg oder oo.org. If you want an
  exception or are unsure about uploading a package. Talk with us. 

There is also some technical limitation backports in etch-bpo must have a
bigger version than in sarge-bpo please take this in mind if you upload
packages. You also cannot have the same version of a package in sarge-bpo and
in etch-bpo. 

Another word on sarge-bpo. We decided to not stop uploads to sarge-bpo, this
has some drastical consequences: packages in sarge-bpo can have a greater
version as the one in etch. So you may destroy your upgrade path to etch. You
should remove those packages before upgrading to etch.

I hope I haven't missed anything important. 


Alexander Wirt, formorer@formorer.de 
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