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Re: Can't use MySQL 5.x Client with PHP 5.x


This is my first mail to this mailinglist and my last hope.
I looking for a solution for my "problem" since a very long time
but I don't get it.

I've installed PHP 5 and Mysql 5 (Client
and Server) but PHP uses still the 4x client... What can I do to solve
that problem?

You need to build PHP yourself and link it against libmysqlclient.so.15. This will happen if you install libmysqlclient15-dev >= 5.0 and then dpkg-buildpackage the PHP5 source package.

My second problem is that I want to use mysqli
and I saw backports.org doesn't offer this PHP-module. Can anybody tell me
what I can or where can I get it?

It's packaged in php5-mysql since 5.2.0-1. Since you have that installed, you should have /usr/lib/php5/20060613/mysqli.so.

Best regards,

Martijn Grendelman

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